FREE Training video "Clap" + BONUS

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"Clap" is truly a universal and powerful tool to process not only episodes from the past, but also emotional states or physical diseases. A headache can be processed with "Clap", just focus on your headache and repeat "Clap" 10 times, or until you begin to smile.

To learn the “Clap” processor, please read aloud or silently one time, including the phrases "Beginning of instructions." and "End of instructions". After that, the Sub Conscious Mind (SCM) will accept it as a guide for its actions.

The Instruction:
1. Read or listen the text of Clap processor
2. For example, you still feel that your relationship with Ann is not good. Say (loud or mute):
" I hate Ann " - "Clap" and then smile
" I hate Ann " - "Clap" and then smile
" I hate Ann " - "Clap" and then smile
" I hate Ann " - "Clap" and then smile
Up to 10 times.

3. Now, imagine Ann and feel how the hatred is changing.

Using Clap processor, I would recommend to work through your negative feeling about any situation in your life.
Feel  the energy of release.
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