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Paid Master’s Solutions

Top solutions


Aim: make the mind clean from non-achieved or cancelled aims $19.00 $10.00
Anti-age: age only exists within your mind, so rejuvenate yourself $75.00 $30.00
Anti-depressant $55.00 $20.00
Anti-stress: turn your stress into source of Life Force $180.00 $20.00
Approach for sex $30.00
Auto reiki: powerful energetic and relaxation technique $125.00 $40.00
English first: for those who studied or study foreign language $55.00 $30.00
Fat off: eliminate the roots of obesity $55.00 $20.00
First kiss for Man: it is important, isn't it? $10.00 $10.00
Low self esteem: become master of your life, body and mind $55.00 $20.00
Muscles relaxation: get a full body relaxation $5.00 $5.00
My wonderful job: turn your hatred and fear of work into your power $105.00 $40.00
No more Back Pain: enjoy your healthy spine $19.00 $10.00
Orgasm for woman: enjoy your sexual life $50.00 $50.00
Public speech: eliminate a fear of public speech $75.00 $30.00
Relationship with father $75.00 $30.00
Relationship with mother $75.00 $30.00
Snapback Remover $55.00 $20.00
Sorry - farewell: automatic tool of bringing forgiveness to everyone $19.00 $10.00
Suppressed emotions release: automatic purification of Manipura chakra $19.00 $10.00



Aim: make the mind clean from non-achieved or cancelled aims $19.00 $10.00
Anti-depressant $55.00 $20.00
Anti-stress: turn your stress into source of Life Force $180.00 $20.00
Clarification of belief-disbelief, trust-mistrust $40.00
Complex of inferiority $100.00 $40.00
Detachment from body $75.00
Ego purge $25.00 $10.00
Eliminate affirmations that rape the mind $30.00
Eliminate Apocalyptiphobia $60.00
Eliminate ego, pride and self-importance $80.00 $30.00
Eliminate self-negation $45.00 $20.00
Eliminate suffering $75.00 $30.00
Eliminate the root of humdrum $35.00 $20.00
Elimination of PTSD $70.00
Elimination of ego $20.00
Elimination of mass phobias $80.00
Elimination of mercenary $85.00
Elimination of other mental dump (by request) $100.00
Elimination of procrastination $50.00 $20.00
Elimination of roots of diseases and accidents $35.00 $20.00
Elimination of unworthiness $75.00 $30.00
Elimination of victim role $75.00 $30.00
English first: for those who studied or study foreign language $55.00 $30.00
Erasing fears $80.00 $30.00
Erasing fears and feeling guilty $40.00 $20.00
Erasing of shame $80.00 $30.00
Get rid of internal music $10.00
Integration of consciousness $40.00 $20.00
Let go episodes made under compulsion $45.00 $20.00
Low self esteem: become master of your life, body and mind $55.00 $20.00
Opening way to success $30.00 $20.00
Processing of emotional self-expression $25.00 $10.00
Processing of love concept and detachment from possessions $20.00 $10.00
Processing of mental foundations $25.00
Processing of our demands (Maslow pyramid) $20.00
Processing of prohibitions and limitations $20.00
Processing of sexuality $25.00 $10.00
Prohibitions on pleasure $200.00 $40.00
Public speech: eliminate a fear of public speech $75.00 $30.00
Release an aim of existence $40.00
Release emotions from responsibility and commitments $80.00 $30.00
Release fear of disappointment $85.00 $30.00
Release the dramatization from your life $25.00 $10.00
Release the expectation of something from yourself $70.00
Remove avarice $45.00
Remove self-limitations $35.00 $20.00
Remove tags and bias from ourselves $80.00 $30.00
Remove the barriers in asking for help $40.00
Remove trauma and need for humiliation $20.00
Remove trauma of injustice $35.00 $20.00
Sorry - farewell: automatic tool of bringing forgiveness to everyone $19.00 $10.00
Target $40.00

Health & Beauty


Anti-age: age only exists within your mind, so rejuvenate yourself $75.00 $30.00
Antidrug $75.00
Be sexy (for woman) $45.00
Body detox $75.00 $30.00
Cleaning joints: eliminate problems with joints $19.00 $10.00
Easy Way to Stop Smoking $55.00 $20.00
Easy way to stop drinking $55.00 $20.00
Elimination of cancer's causes $95.00 $30.00
Energy washing of the body $25.00
Enlarge your bosom $25.00 $10.00
Excess weight and heart $45.00 $20.00
Face and neck $35.00
Fat off: eliminate the roots of obesity $55.00 $20.00
Freeze and cold relief $45.00
Have a nice sleep: clean away the thoughts before the sleep $45.00 $20.00
Head, neck and spine $25.00 $10.00
Heart and vessels $35.00 $20.00
Improving the vision $85.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 1: disease in knees, lymphatic system, immune system, rheumatism, obesity, constipation, diarrhea $95.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 2: appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, stomach, bulimia and anorexia, oncology $95.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 3: gastrointestinal ulcers, diabetes, excess weight $95.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 4: diseases, disorders in gastrointestinal tract and belly $95.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 5: diseases, disorders in gastrointestinal tract and belly $95.00 $30.00
Life and digestion 6: diseases, disorders in gastrointestinal tract and belly $95.00 $30.00
Liver $35.00 $20.00
Menstruation and psychology of woman 's disease $55.00
Muscles relaxation: get a full body relaxation $5.00 $5.00
No more Back Pain: enjoy your healthy spine $19.00 $10.00
Non alcoholics anonymous $20.00
Perfect body shape $95.00 $30.00
Pre-natal and natal period $55.00 $20.00
Stop anxiety! $10.00 $10.00
Stop headache $10.00 $10.00
Stop pain and disease (general processing) $55.00
Teeth, lips and mouth: for those who have a tooth pain or mouth problems $95.00 $30.00
Treatment of skin diseases and acne $85.00 $30.00

sex & orgasm


Approach for sex $15.00
Approach for sex $30.00
Approach for sex $15.00
Approach for sex $15.00
Besa me mucho - one night sex $20.00 $10.00
Casual sex $40.00 $20.00
Discharge the emotions in woman's orgasm (for men) $20.00 $10.00
End Porn Addiction $10.00
Erotic forms manipulation (for men) $20.00 $10.00
Exhibeo $20.00 $10.00
Fear of sex $25.00 $10.00
Feeling of touch $60.00 $20.00
First kiss for Man: it is important, isn't it? $10.00 $10.00
First sex $10.00
Get satisfaction (for woman) $60.00
Giant - enlarge your penis $20.00 $10.00
Illusions about sex for woman $65.00
Let go taboo on Sex and Love $95.00 $30.00
Masturbation $20.00
Masturbation $20.00
Masturbation $20.00
Masturbation $20.00
Oral and anal sex for men $20.00 $10.00
Orgasm for woman: enjoy your sexual life $50.00 $50.00
Release prohibition of sex $20.00 $10.00
Remove a fear of intimacy with girl $30.00 $20.00
Remove no-feeling in sex $95.00 $30.00
Sex and orgasm $65.00 $20.00
Sex and self-negation $25.00 $10.00
Sex without control $20.00 $10.00
Sexual attractiveness (for woman) $20.00
Sexual perversion and BDSM $60.00 $20.00
Sexual relations $60.00 $20.00
Stiffness and tense in sex for women $20.00
Stop watching porno $55.00 $20.00
Temptation (for woman) $20.00
Tits and ass $25.00 $10.00
Woman vision of sex (for men and women) $20.00 $10.00



Bro $35.00
Daughter $20.00 $10.00
Discrimination in family $20.00
Eliminate dread of family life $90.00
Father (for woman) $20.00
Household $20.00
Husband $20.00
Love of kids to parents $35.00
Maternal control $25.00
Mother $45.00 $20.00
Obligation to parents $45.00
Our kids $115.00
Parents $85.00
Parents control $45.00
Relationship between son and mother $95.00
Relationship with father $75.00 $30.00
Relationship with mother $75.00 $30.00
Relationship with teenager $20.00
Release of discontent of yourself $20.00 $10.00
Wedding and marriage $25.00



Breaking love circle: woman mistakes in relationship $60.00
Clarification of woman's happiness $20.00
Clean love from manipulation $40.00
Difference in age $35.00
Eliminate bitchiness $60.00
Eliminate love patterns received in childhood $100.00
How to make man happy? $40.00
Increase self-confidence in relationship with woman $150.00
Intimate relationship $55.00
Languages of love $55.00
Let go fear of relationship with man $25.00
Let go jealousy and betray $75.00
Love & sex $95.00
Love and dependence. Part 1. $55.00
Love and dependence. Part 2. $55.00
Love and dependence. Part 3. $55.00
Love and dependence. Part 4. $60.00
Love and dependence. Part 5. $55.00
Love and dependence. Part 6. $65.00
Love and dependence. Part 7. $45.00
Love and dependence. Part 8. $75.00
Love and dependence. Part 9. $70.00
Love is a trip. Part 1 $95.00
Love is a trip. Part 2 $105.00
Love is a trip. Part 3 $125.00
Love is a trip. Part 4 $105.00
Love is a trip. Part 5 $125.00
Love is a trip. Part 6 $50.00
Love is all you need… $55.00
Manipulation in relationship with man $25.00
Merger us and our relationship parties $20.00
No more failure in love $20.00
Purification of ideal woman $20.00
Purification of relationship between man and woman $60.00 $20.00
Release attachment to woman $25.00
Release illusion about ideal man or woman $40.00
Release illusions of love $95.00
Release illusions of love (for woman) $60.00
Release phantoms of unrealized love $30.00
Remove Marilyn Monroe syndrome $55.00
Remove a pattern of chronic mistress $65.00
Remove fears of the first date $60.00 $20.00
Remove of disbelief, betray and self-negation in love $20.00
Remove outdated behavior patterns in love $25.00
Socializing with girls $115.00 $40.00
Why do we love a woman? $30.00
Why love is finished… $40.00

Business leader


Comparison and envy $126.00
Creativity $40.00
Decision making and problem solving $168.00
Effective Leadership $586.00 $40.00
Effective negotiations & contracting $308.00
Goals achievement $295.00
Pompousness $52.00
Relationship with government bodies and bureaucracy $123.00
Sales increase $95.00 $30.00
Time-management $79.00 $30.00



Processing of a fear state $200.00 $40.00
Processing of a shame state $200.00 $40.00
Processing of lying $200.00
Processor Catalyst $350.00 $40.00
Processor Erase $300.00
Processor Null $300.00 $40.00
Release karmic debts $200.00 $40.00
Remove wishes and desires $150.00 $40.00
Series De-programming: Debt $40.00
Series De-programming: Fear of ourselves $40.00
Series De-programming: Human $200.00
Series De-programming: Polaritties $200.00
Series De-programming: Programs $200.00
Series De-programming: Suggestion of information $200.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Aspirations $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Blockages $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Concentration $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Concepts $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Constructions of mind $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Emotional experience $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Hope $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Idea V $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Ideas $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Internal dialogue $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Logic $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Material things $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Mind Power $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Polarities $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Questions $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Separation $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Stability-Instability $40.00
Series Processing of the Mind: Value of mind $40.00

Emotional Child


Emotional Child: Abandonment $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Bubble $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Escape from involuntary repetition $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: General $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Judge-Driver $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Life with Obsession $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Limits Procedure $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Love and Sex $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Magical Thinking $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Reactivity and Control $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Repression, expression, retention $75.00 $30.00
Emotional Child: Wounds of Assimilation $75.00 $30.00
Emotional child - Distrust and Anger $75.00 $30.00



Ajna - ultimate purification $40.00
Anahata - ultimate purification $100.00 $40.00
Auto reiki: powerful energetic and relaxation technique $125.00 $40.00
Call for Reiki $100.00 $40.00
Chakra cleaning $100.00 $40.00
Chakra cleaning 2 $100.00 $40.00
Energy discharge $100.00
Energy: Body supply $100.00
Energy: Excessiveness $100.00
Energy: Fears and Horrors $100.00
Energy: Power and emotions $100.00
Energy: Prohibitions on pleasure $100.00
Get effective memory $30.00
Manipura - ultimate purification $40.00
Muladhara - ultimate purification $100.00 $40.00
Opening new resources for energizing yourself $20.00 $10.00
Sahasrara - ultimate purification $100.00 $40.00
Snapback Remover $55.00 $20.00
Suppressed emotions release: automatic purification of Manipura chakra $19.00 $10.00
Svadhisthana - ultimate purification $100.00 $40.00
Visuddha - ultimate purification $100.00 $40.00

money & success


Attract money and abundance $95.00 $30.00
Clarification of incoming and outcoming cash flows $55.00 $20.00
Clarify set of money concepts (believes, indebtness, attachments, fear of lost, misery, wasting etc) $50.00 $20.00
Cleaning the image of billionaire $75.00 $30.00
Eliminate lack of money $20.00 $10.00
Eliminate roots of laziness and get money $30.00 $20.00
Elimination of sub consciousness money blockage $50.00 $20.00
Emotional release of promises and debts $20.00 $10.00
Enjoy money & Success $50.00 $20.00
Enjoy spending of money $35.00 $20.00
Enjoy work and self-realization $100.00 $40.00
Enjoy your life without comparison and Envy $30.00 $20.00
Fear of big money possession $20.00 $10.00
Fears, myths, superstitions about money $125.00 $40.00
Finanz glück: clearing the basics of money concept $125.00 $40.00
How to make US$ 60 000 000 $55.00 $20.00
Let go desire of wealth abuse $20.00 $10.00
Manifest abundance $100.00 $40.00
Merging with money concept $35.00 $20.00
Money button - Internet commerce $20.00 $10.00
Money in childhood, incl. concepts received from our parents $65.00 $20.00
Money: general purification of the concept $35.00 $20.00
Our poor friends limit our wealth growth $30.00 $20.00
Out of the debt hole (indebtness) $20.00 $10.00
Poor little soul - eliminate the roots of poverty $20.00 $10.00
Purification of relationship between woman and money $20.00
Realize your dream $20.00 $10.00
Release of self-sabotage and kill the poverty inside yourself $55.00 $20.00
Release of self-sabotage and self-negation in money concept $55.00 $20.00
Release of subconscious need for money and desire to increase their number $75.00 $30.00
Remove freedom and money dependence $85.00 $30.00
Remove humiliation connected to money matters $45.00 $20.00
Remove money misbalance $20.00
Remove of no-cash situation. Lack of money to buy. Depressed male qualities $20.00
Remove unpaid debts $45.00 $20.00
Supermarket: irritation at shopping $20.00 $10.00
To get first million $105.00 $40.00
Unrealized purchase $50.00 $20.00



Job finding, fears to be fired $127.00
Management of life-force, body energy $11.00
Relationship with bosses $37.00
Relationship with colleagues $254.00
Salary and bonuses $142.00



Emotional detachment from money $383.00
Emotional stability $157.00
Patience to wait for the right moment to open the deal $171.00
Relationship with market (for traders) $687.00
Stock market trading success $10.00



Clarification of social game: dating with girl (for man) $95.00 $30.00
Communicate freely $20.00 $10.00
Creating rapport $20.00 $10.00
Eliminate comparison of people $20.00
Eliminate concept of "normal" or "average" people $20.00 $10.00
Eliminate concept of standoff between man and woman $60.00
Eliminate conflicts in job and family $95.00
Eliminate fear of female rudeness, inability to respond to women's rudeness $25.00 $10.00
Eliminate fear of men, rejection ourselves, sexuality, self-identity, internal conflicts $95.00
Eliminate fear of women, rejection of ourselves, sexuality, self-identity, internal conflicts $50.00 $20.00
Eliminate hatred to people $25.00 $10.00
Eliminate irritation from socium $25.00
Eliminate macho from yourself $20.00
Eliminate problems in interaction with other person $25.00 $10.00
Eliminate prohibitions of men to girls $125.00 $40.00
Eliminate quarrels, conflicts, fighting $40.00
Eliminate rejection $40.00 $20.00
Eliminate roots of bitchiness (for woman) $25.00
Eliminate roots of sociophobia, fear of people $200.00 $40.00
Eliminate stupidity of dating tips $40.00
Eliminate wish of isolation $20.00 $10.00
Free yourself in communicating with nonconventional sexual orientation persons $20.00
Improve dialogue with another person $40.00
Improve relationship between woman and woman $20.00
Let go fear of people $20.00 $10.00
Let go men's traumas $125.00
Let go rudeness to girls $30.00
Let go shyness in communications with girls $20.00 $10.00
Let go the women's traumas $100.00
Let go wish of respect and admiration $20.00 $10.00
My wonderful job: turn your hatred and fear of work into your power $105.00 $40.00
Processing desire to control socium $95.00
Processing of damage, witchcraft and intentional human exposure $40.00
Processing of deserving to be loved $20.00 $10.00
Processing of illusions in deserving love $25.00 $10.00
Processing of importance of attention $55.00
Processing of negative aspects of communication $20.00 $10.00
Processing of obedience $25.00 $10.00
Processing of partner selection from the standpoint of instincts $75.00
Processing of pity, sympathy, someone obsessive desire or complains $60.00
Processing of rumors and gossips $30.00
Processing of unfair accusations and guilt $20.00
Purification of dependence and violence $50.00
Purification of emotions in communications $50.00 $20.00
Purification of friendship between man and woman $30.00
Purification of men's image (for woman) $45.00
Purification of relationship in the team $85.00
Purification of relationship with girls (for men) $30.00
Purification of sick, wounded by grievances pride, sense of duty, obligations $75.00
Release a failure on parties $20.00
Release a feeling of being guilty $70.00
Release a pressure from socium $40.00
Release a wish for struggle for justice, guilt, feelings of inadequacy, fear of pleasure $40.00 $20.00
Release a wish of help, ingratitude $20.00
Release a wish of revenge $25.00 $10.00
Release a wish to change the world $25.00 $10.00
Release dramatization from your life $25.00
Release emotions from interaction with boors $80.00
Release expectation of something from yourself $20.00 $10.00
Release of communicating skills $95.00 $30.00
Release someone’s critics and comments on us $20.00
Release telling-offs from past communications $30.00
Remove a concept of competitiveness in socium (for woman) $25.00
Remove a false woman's homosexuality $40.00
Remove an illusionary concept of woman $115.00 $40.00
Remove asocial behavior $40.00
Remove attachment to family, friends, partners, socium $25.00 $10.00
Remove barriers in asking for help $50.00
Remove cheating of women (for man) $20.00
Remove conflicts $85.00
Remove dislike of girls $20.00 $10.00
Remove emotions and attachments to belongings and possessions (for man) $30.00
Remove emotions in social game called "HELP" $95.00
Remove fear and shyness of eye contact $10.00
Remove illusions about men (for woman) $40.00
Remove illusions of man (for man) $20.00 $10.00
Remove illusions of woman (for man) $40.00 $20.00
Remove illusions of woman (for woman) $25.00
Remove loneliness from your life $125.00 $40.00
Remove patterns of weak behavior $80.00
Remove phantoms of our past solutions in regards to choosing a partner $20.00 $10.00
Remove problems in approaching woman $115.00
Remove problems in connecting with other people $20.00 $10.00
Remove roots of manipulation $25.00 $10.00
Remove self-negation in socium (for woman) $35.00
Remove social mask $20.00 $10.00