Invitation to Free Master's Group


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Dear *|FNAME|*,

We checked the effectiveness of Master's Support Group last Wednesday and its brings a lot of value to participants. We can use different point of views to solve the same set of problems with the power of Master's Solutions.

So, we are excited to invite you to our self-support group that aims to help solve problems with the power of the subconscious mind. Our group is dedicated to empowering individuals to harness the power of their subconscious mind to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Through a series of guided exercises, discussions, and shared experiences, we will explore the ways in which the subconscious mind can be used to transform our lives. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, snapback, frustration, anger, grieve, resentment or any other challenge, this group will provide you with the tools and support you need to tap into your inner strength and resilience.

Our meetings will take place every Wednesday at 10:30 AM EST in Google Meet: . We encourage you to bring an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Together, we can unlock the full potential of our subconscious minds and create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

You can also use Telegram Group: or drop me email to and I'll send you the invite.

The first homework is to create the list of the things, situations, thoughts, feeling, emotions that brings you down or block your development and EXECUTE IT.
The second task is to create the prompt for subconscious mind and use it in solving the real problem. You share the list and the prompt in the Telegram group and get support from me and other participants.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!


Gleb Zamyatin, MSc
Cell: +1 832 426 2274
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"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the incredible effort you've put into your technique. It's clear that you've poured your heart and soul into your learning and have a true passion for sharing it with others. Thank you so much, Gleb, for all that you do!"
Alex, Portugal
"I have been struggling with neck problems and disconnection between my body and mind for a long time. But after trying the 'Neck and Face' master solution from the Master of Subconscious Mind program, I feel more relaxed and full of energy. The stiffness in my neck has reduced by 90% and I am more present and aware of my body and emotions. I have restarted many of the completed master solutions with the catalyst program, and I can feel them working deeper than before. The Master of Subconscious Mind program has helped me to connect with my body and organs, and I am now able to show emotions and socialize better. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to unlock their master key to success and happiness."
Chris, Netherlands
I am happy to share that I am feeling more relaxed and inspired on a daily basis. The program has helped me align myself with my true passion, and I am grateful for the newfound inspiration I am experiencing.
In addition to my struggles with focus, there have been underlying fears that have held me back. One fear is the fear of not being seen or recognized by my parents and others outside of my family. Another fear that has been particularly challenging is the fear of not being in control of the situation.
Through the Master's Solutions coaching program, I have been able to address these fears and work towards overcoming them. The program has provided me with tools and techniques to gain control over my fears and take charge of my life.
Overall, I highly recommend the Master's Solutions coaching program to anyone who is seeking guidance and support in finding their passion, achieving focus, and overcoming fears. The program has been invaluable in my personal growth journey, and I am confident it can help others as well.
Victor, Florida, USA
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