First of all, marriage and relationships are very different things. Marriage is a formal contract between two people who want to live together. Marriage is a formal contract that regulates the relationship between spouses and their obligations towards each other. It also establishes the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children, property, etc. I would also call marriage a reflection of relationships in society. In addition, you need to understand 3 more features of marriage: 1) Marriage is beneficial to the state, as it forms the legal basis for regulating relations. Marriage is beneficial to the economy, the participants of the marriage make new taxpayers, soldiers and labor force and at the same time take responsibility for its maintenance during the period of growing up and education. 2) At the beginning of a relationship - based on the resonance of energies, a large release of endorphin, serotonin and oxytocin occurs, the so-called "bouquet of happiness". So, the candy-bouquet period is not only called from the presence of flower bouquets. This “bouquet of happiness” lasts about 12 months, after which the participants in the relationship begin to understand who is next to them and where, in general, they ended up. This is often accompanied by depression. This is one of the solutions imposed on us by nature so that a couple can conceive and bear a child. Based on our modern realities, most marriages are concluded during this period. 3) Statistically, divorce through the court occurs in 90% in favor of women.