Reclaiming Time and Mind: Awakening from Illusions

The answer lies not in passively waiting for the future to unfold, but in actively creating it. This doesn't start with daydreaming about desires, as many believe. It begins with reclaiming our time and mind, which requires awakening from illusions and stereotypes.

This awakening involves several fundamental realizations:

1. The only gift life grants us at birth is 24 hours today. This is the one thing that makes us all equal on this planet. In everything else, we are not created equal.

2. Our future depends solely on how we fill these 24 hours. Today, not tomorrow or the day after. External circumstances are irrelevant; the future hinges on how we react to or ignore them. We have the freedom to choose, if we are aware of that choice.

3. Upon examining our 24 hours, we discover they mostly don't belong to us. They're filled with countless activities unrelated to our own lives. We realize we are not masters of our own time.

4. We seek the true masters of our time and find them residing within our own heads. Hundreds of external ideas control our time, making us do countless things and create a future not for ourselves, but for those who instill these ideas in us.

5. If our 24 hours are filled with activities unrelated to our future, then we have no future. We begin to suspect that our dreams may not truly be ours. Starting the creation of our future with a list of desires isn't the best idea. Later, you'll see that many entities are interested in you desiring specific things, ones they encourage and permit.

6. We wonder how these external ideas not only entered our heads but also became ingrained as seemingly close and correct, like our own. When and why did someone else's idea morph into our own obsessive thought, prompting us to abandon everything we were doing and follow a strange program? What makes us vulnerable, shutting down critical thinking and common sense? How does the "rational human" program get switched off and the "useful idiot" program activated?

7. Exploring this question, we see that any external idea can capture our time by seizing our attention.

8. Whoever controls our attention controls our time. Furthermore, we are ourselves only as long as we control our own attention. Once something or someone else grabs our attention, we become mindless zombies. But attention-grabbing doesn't explain why we so readily accept external ideas and forget about ourselves.

9. Delving deeper, we notice our minds are brimming with stereotypes, beliefs, and myths. These act like spies, opening the gates whenever an idea seeking control whispers a secret code. How did these stereotypes and beliefs get there?

10. All stereotypes and beliefs were instilled in us by our parents, culture, and environment at a tender age. We absorbed everything without question, put our fingers in electrical outlets, and even ate feces. What we call our own personality is nothing more than a chaotic and contradictory collection of stereotypes, beliefs, faiths, and myths. How could our parents and friends commit such an evil? Alas, they are not to blame, for they carried such spies from childhood, instilled in them by their parents, and so on for generations.

11. We begin to realize that the ideas controlling us have been around for thousands of years. They form the basis of religions, mythology, superstitions, and culture. They make us act according to ancient behavioral programs, prescriptions, and protocols that we perceive as mandatory values.

12. 1We suspect that we were turned into "useful idiots" long ago, deprived of memory, critical thinking, and common sense. We react the same way our ancestors did thousands of years ago, especially when scared or angry. Even though we have smartphones!

13. Do you think I'm writing about cheap conspiracy theories? If so, believe me, nothing could be further from my intention. You don't know me at all.

14. You will soon understand that everything is much, much worse and... more beautiful. Simply, with awakening, you begin to ask yourself piercing and regular questions: "Why am I doing what I'm doing? Where am I going? What do I want? What is the meaning of life?"

15. Some young people think that these questions are usually stopped being asked in their early 30s. I dare say that 50% of humanity only starts asking these questions after 40, and after 50, almost 100% of people are sick with these questions. If they are people, and not "useful idiots."