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Enjoy spending of money


It's a common issue that many people struggle with, often without realizing its impact on their overall well-being. Let's discuss why enjoying spending money and addressing stinginess are important aspects of psychological health.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that money is a tool designed to improve our quality of life. When we develop an overly restrictive attitude towards spending, or what we might call stinginess, we're essentially limiting our ability to use this tool effectively. This can lead to a reduced quality of life and missed opportunities for joy, growth, and experiences.

Stinginess often stems from deep-seated fears or beliefs about scarcity, unworthiness, or lack of control. These beliefs can reside in our subconscious mind, influencing our behavior without our full awareness. By addressing and removing these underlying beliefs, we can develop a healthier relationship with money.

Enjoying spending money, within reason of course, is important for several reasons:

  • - It can reduce stress and anxiety related to finances. When we're overly stingy, we're in a constant state of tension about money, which can be mentally and emotionally draining.
  • - It allows us to fully appreciate the fruits of our labor. If we work hard but never allow ourselves to enjoy the results, it can lead to feelings of frustration or resentment.
  • - It can improve our relationships. Excessive stinginess can strain relationships, while a balanced approach to spending can facilitate shared experiences and generosity.
  • - It promotes an abundance mindset rather than a scarcity mindset, which can positively impact many areas of life beyond finances.

Removing stinginess from your subconscious mind involves recognizing these patterns, understanding their origins, and gradually reshaping your relationship with money. This might involve challenging thoughts like 'I don't deserve this' or 'I might need this money later' when they arise during spending decisions.

It's important to note that the goal isn't to become reckless with money, but rather to find a healthy balance where you can enjoy spending without guilt or excessive anxiety. This balance can lead to greater overall life satisfaction and a sense of financial well-being.

Extract from the Master's Solution:

  • we spent money 
  • were going to spend the money 
  • analyzed the money spent 
  • regretted the money spent 
  • felt sorry for the money spent 
  • planned to spend the money 
  • had to spend money 
  • treated the accumulated money unreasonably


Please note that for the use of MASTER SOLUTION you need to read the following processors “Clap”, “Execute it”, “Merge”, “Hoppo” here

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