To masters solutions

Series Processing of the Mind: Concentration

Document Ever feel like your brain's a tangled mess of wires, sparking and misfiring at the most inconvenient times? Welcome to the wild world of subconscious triggers! These sneaky little gremlins lurk in the shadows of your mind, pulling strings you didn't even know existed. But here's the kicker: zapping these triggers could be your ticket to mental nirvana. Picture this: You're cruising through life, making decisions left and right, when BAM! – a random smell, sound, or fleeting memory sends you spiraling into an emotional vortex. That's your subconscious playing puppet master. By deleting these hidden triggers, you're essentially performing a decluttering of your neural pathways. Suddenly, you're seeing the world through crystal-clear lenses, free from the foggy residue of past traumas and learned behaviors. But here's where it gets really wild: this mental spring cleaning doesn't just clear out the cobwebs – it rewires your entire cognitive circuitry! Imagine making choices based purely on the present moment, unburdened by the invisible weight of subconscious baggage. It's like upgrading from a flip phone to the latest smartphone, but for your brain. You'll be processing information faster, reacting more authentically, and tapping into levels of creativity and problem-solving you never knew you had. So, ready to hit the reset button on your mental operating system? Buckle up, because erasing those subconscious triggers is one wild ride that'll leave you wondering how you ever lived with all that neural noise!
  • Extract from this Master's Solution:
  • - Any kind of focus of attention
  • - Any type of inability to focus
  • - Any kind of focus on our thoughts
  • - Any kind of focus on our emotions and senses
  • - Any kind of focus on our experiences
  • - Any kind of focus on our thinking
  • - Any kind of focus on our problems

Please note that for the use of MASTER SOLUTION you need to read the following processors “Clap”, “Execute it”, “Merge”, “Hoppo” here

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