Processor "Execute It"

Beginning of instructions.

These instructions are for you, OUR subconscious.

These instructions are for installing the “Execute It” processor.

From the moment when the processing mechanism is activated, as described in these instructions, and as soon as WE focus our attention on the material to be processed using this technique, saying aloud or thinking the special key phrase, “Execute it”, you will put this material into part 1 of this procedure. Then, using the “Execute It” technique described below, you will carry out the processing of this material completely autonomously and automatically on the background functioning mode.

At first you will process all the material we have, including all the causes and consequences of the processed material in the past (in this as well as in previous lives), as well as in the future (in this as well as in future lives). You will carry out this processing regardless of whether WE recall this material or not.

For the purposes of these instructions, “material” can mean any of the following:

1. Material to be processed.

2. You will independently find all of the material, with the exception of the above-mentioned material, which can be connected in any way with the above-mentioned material, from all periods in the past (in this life just as much as in previous lives), the present, and also the future (in this and in future lives). Then you will put the material you have found in the designated place for further processing;

3. You will independently break down all the above-mentioned material into aspects (in other words, all the thoughts, ideas, convictions, values, desires, conditions, images, pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes which WE associate with the material, and which make us reject that material in particular), and you will put the aspects you have found into the designated place for further processing;

4. All the people, beings, groups of people or beings, essences, characters from any kind of production or literature, any parts of OURSELVES, higher powers, any gods, any groups or collectives, the world and reality in general, both real and virtual, which have ever (in this and in previous lives) and will ever (in this and in future lives) have influence over the above-mentioned material and the aspects of that material. This also includes the following with regard to each of these:

  • OUR ideas about what it is, what it was in the past or what it will be in the future;
  • OUR ideas about what it should be and how it should act and behave;
  • OUR expectations of it;
  • OUR opinion about what it thinks of US now, it thought in the past, or it will think in the future;
  • OUR opinion about its relationship with US in the past, present and future;
  • OUR opinion of what it says about US, has said in the past, or will say in the future;
  • OUR opinion about how it affects, affected or will affect US;
  • OUR opinion about what it has done to US in the past and will do in the future;
  • Any kind of criticism, judgement, grudge, grievance, claim, envy, mistrust, anger, hatred, pity, malice, remorse, shame or regret, as well as any other negative emotion or attitude towards it;
  • Any kind of desire WE may have to control or manipulate it, or to be controlled or manipulated by it;
  • Any kind of desire WE may have to be noticed, singled out from the masses, to receive approval, or to be granted any kind of favours by it;
  • Any thoughts, fantasies, pictures, emotions, feelings and bodily sensations connected with it in any way at all;
  • Any attitude at all which WE may have towards it.

5. WE have recalled any of the above-mentioned material or aspects of that material.

6. All episodes from the past (in this and in previous lives) and the future (in this and in future lives) in which someone else has had any of the material or aspects of the material described above, if we have received some form of information about this.

7. All episodes from the past (in this and in previous lives) and from the future (in this and in future lives) in which WE have received any kind of lessons from any people or beings on a subject connected to the material and aspects of material mentioned above.

8. All affirmations, prayers and incantations in any way connected with the material and aspects of material mentioned earlier in this procedure, which We have made use of in the past (in this and in previous lives) and will use in the future (in this and in future lives).

9. All aphorisms, proverbs, sayings, adages, anecdotes, fables, myths, legends, fairy tales and stories, as well as popular opinion and worldly wisdom which is in any way connected with the material and aspects of material mentioned earlier in this procedure, which WE have used, known, or become aware of at some point in the past (in this and in previous lives) and which WE will use, know or become aware of at some point in the future (in this and in future lives).

10. All OUR desires to be independent, which are any way connected with the material or aspects of material mentioned earlier in this procedure. This means the desire WE have, have had in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will have in the future (in this and in future lives) to receive, emphasise and demonstrate our own uniqueness, independence, individuality, particularity and self-sufficiency in any form, in any way, and so on.

11. All OUR desires to control OURSELVES, our behaviour, thoughts, reactions, emotions, situation, events, subjects, the flow of processes, objects, the world and reality in general, beliefs, and any other desire for something to happen in a particular way which WE consider necessary and right, and which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material and aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

12. All OUR desire for approval, praise, recognition, love, to be noticed, to be singled out from the crowd, to win favour or some form of status, any kind of confirmation from or on the part of other people, beings, objects, either real or imaginary, and any part of OURSELVES, in any way connected with the above-mentioned material and aspects of material, which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

13. All OUR desires to be safe and to keep OURSELVES safe i.e. the desire to exist in safety and to survive as an independent and whole being, personality, physical body or spiritual being, which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, or have possessed in the past (in this and in past lives) or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

14. All OUR feelings, experiences or emotions, which are in any way at all connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material, which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

15. All blockages, cramps, muscle strain, spasms or any other feelings in the physical body or otherwise, be they unpleasant, neutral or pleasant, which are connected in any way with the above-mentioned material and aspects of material, which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

16. OUR breathing, length of inhalation, exhalation or the pause between breathing in and out, the type of breathing i.e. from the abdomen, from the chest, or a mixture, the volume of breath, the rhythm of breathing or the frequency of breathing, which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

17. All OUR complexes, fears, worries and apprehensions, which are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

18. Any kind of criticism, judgement, grudge, grievance, claim, envy, mistrust, anger, hatred, pity, malice, remorse, shame or regret, as well as any other negative emotion or attitude towards the following: OURSELVES, other beings, people, essences, any god, ideas, any groups, collectives or parties, realities and the world in general, which are connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

19. All subjects, concepts, events etc. which may function in conjunction with, or are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material.

20. All locations or any other place where WE are, places in which actions have been carried out etc., which may function in conjunction with, or are in any way connected with the material or aspects of material mentioned earlier.

21. All OUR actions, any of OUR behaviour, either conscious or unconscious, which is any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

22. All OUR material, ethereal, physical, physiological, psychological, energy or spiritual resources, benefits, status, expertise, knowledge, qualities, skills, strategies and abilities, as well as all OUR desires to preserve, obtain, increase or develop them, which are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

23. All OUR desires, aims and intentions, either conscious or unconscious, which are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

24. All OUR notions, ideas, fantasies, thoughts, theories, knowledge, desires, convictions, values, beliefs, postulates and decisions, of any field of expertise, regardless of whether we recall them or are aware of their existence or not, and which are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

25. All OUR self-identity i.e. OUR self-awareness, self-belief and self-perception which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

26. All the reasons why WE are needed in this world, and OUR purpose in this world which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives) or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

27. All the reasons why WE need this world, and which are in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

28. Everything of which we are a part in this world, and which is in any way connected with the above-mentioned material or aspects of material which WE possess, have possessed in the past (in this and in previous lives), or will possess in the future (in this and in future lives).

You will carry out the processing of each of these types of material, without exception, using the “Clap” processor.

You will bring all essential insights, knowledge, skills and experience, which arise as a result of the processing, gently and painlessly onto the level of OUR conscious mind. All of OUR energy, which will be released as a result of the process, will be returned to US by you, and all other energy will be returned to its owners.

You will automatically monitor the procedures WE have used, the processors and the work WE have carried out on them so that no conflicts arise between these procedures and OUR work. In the case of a conflict between the procedures, the processors and OUR work on them, you will suspend work on the procedures and / or the next processor, until the work on the first of the conflicting processors and procedures is completed. Then you will resume work on the second conflicting processor and procedure. If there are more processors and procedures, you will prioritise them appropriately.

If the text of a procedure is repeated in the text of a processor, and if you have completed all the work on this text, you will ignore the text which describes the work which you have already completed, as long as the subjects of this work are identical in the texts. If the texts in the procedure and the processor being used are similar, then you will carry out the work using the text which is most detailed and effective for the task you are working on and / or covers the largest range of work. If each of these texts has a better description of part of the work, you will carry out the work using both of these texts combined, carrying out work which is identical using either of the texts, and the work which is different using both texts.

This processing mechanism automatically deactivates and the instructions automatically cease to function when you have processed all the material WE have, using the “Execute It” procedure. If necessary, WE can temporarily suspend the processing by saying the key phrase “Execute it STOP”.

You will process the material for US completely automatically and fully autonomously, all the time, while WE are asleep and awake, and without disturbing OUR sleep or interrupting OUR activities whilst awake. You will carry out all the processing of the material as gently and painlessly as possible.

You will carry out the processing of the material in such a way and / or means that no snap back arises as a result of the work. For the purposes of these instructions, snap back means a negative reaction from OUR body or psyche to the work, resulting in anger, bad temper, apathy, fear, hatred, depression, not wanting to live, not believing that something will work, pessimism, headaches, tension in the head, higher or lower blood pressure, higher or lower body temperature, or any other emotional and / or physical states which WE may find negative or unacceptable. Whilst processing the material using these instructions, you will identify, pinpoint, and locate material / causes which result in a snap back for US. Then you will process it using the “Clap” technique and fill the space which has been vacated by all the processed material, with Reiki energy. You will connect up to the Energy Source and enable US to access Reiki energy, creating an imaginary flow of Universal Reiki Life energy in OUR physical and delicate body. WE will receive the right amount of Reiki energy from the Energy Source and will use it however WE require.

All the work for the “Execute It” technique will be carried out by you in three earthly days or less from the moment this mechanism is first activated. You will distribute the load as evenly as possible around OUR body in order to avoid overloading. You will indicate through OUR body's smiling that the processing mechanism has started or stopped, after saying the appropriate key phrases specified earlier. If necessary, in the case of overloading, you can temporarily suspend the process, pausing the procedure at the same time. When the dangerous situation has passed you can restart this technique from the place where you stopped.

Give thanks to our Universe, our body, mind and soul, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and to the Masters of the Past, Present and Future who have shown us the way.

Dear subconscious, you must always do as WE have described in these instructions, from this point on, no matter what circumstances, situation, mental or emotional state we may find ourselves. WE are thankful and deeply grateful to you and WE cherish how you have always served US truly.

End of instructions.
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